EDI Training Opportunities

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Diversity Forum Yearly conference in Oct https://diversity.wisc.edu/diversity-forum/ No Yes Yes DDEEA In-person, online
Searching for Excellence and Diversity Workshop coming fall 2022, materials available on website https://wiseli.wisc.edu/workshops/hiring-diverse-excellent-faculty/ No Yes Yes WISELI In-person
Delta Program A variety of workshops aimed at faculty and teaching hosted throughout the year, many with an EDI lens https://delta.wisc.edu/events/ No Yes No DELTA In-person, online
Fair Play Introductory implicit Bias online simulation https://fairplaygame.org/ Yes No Yes WCER Online
Teaching@UW A variety of workshops throughout the year aimed at teaching skills for faculty and other instructors, some with an EDI focus https://ctlm.wisc.edu/professional-development/#teaching-at-uw No Yes Yes Center for Teaching Learning and Mentorship Online
TeachOnline@UW Workshops throughout the year with a focus on designing online learning experiences, some with an EDI focus https://ctlm.wisc.edu/professional-development/#teachonline No Yes No Center for Teaching Learning and Mentorship In-person, online
Madison Teaching and Learning Excellence A 2-semester, early career faculty cohort program offering personalized support, includes EDI module in semester 2 https://mtle.wisc.edu/ No Yes No Center for Teaching Learning and Mentorship In-person
Learning Communities Learning Communities (LC) are academic-year and semester-long discussion groups which allow participants to develop abilities to engage effectively in a globally interconnected world. These can be request for on-unit facilitation at a cost to the department https://lcice.wisc.edu/learning-communities/ Yes No Yes DDEEA In-person
Learning Communities for Institutional Change Leadership Institute Dialogue based professional learning community focused on learning and unlearning to develop personal leadership and the capacity to interact across difference https://lcice.wisc.edu/learning-communities/the-leadership-institute-li/ No Yes No DDEEA In-person
Inclusion@UW A set of workshops offered throughout the year to help employees learn and practice skills to support UW Madison’s commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive community https://hr.wisc.edu/professional-development/programs/inclusion-at-uw/ No Yes Yes OHR In-person, online
Thrive@UW A set of workshops offered throughout the year to help employees learn and practice skills to help create a healthy, inclusive, and engaging workplace https://hr.wisc.edu/professional-development/programs/thrive-at-uw/ No Yes Yes OHR In-person, online
The prejudice habit breaking intervention A 3 hour long seminar offered by the prejudice and intergroup relations lab on breaking the prejudice habit https://devinelab.psych.wisc.edu/the-prejudice-habit-breaking-intervention/ Yes No Yes Devine Lab In-person
Office of Continuing Studies Diversity and Inclusion classes Professional development classes and workshops offered through the Office of Continuing Studies throughout the year, many on EDI skills and topics https://continuingstudies.wisc.edu/classes/?topics=Diversity%20and%20Inclusion No Yes No UW Madison Continuing Studies Online
The Discussion Project The School of Education has designed this professional development series to strengthen the campus’s capacity to create a welcoming, engaging, and academically rigorous classroom environment in which students can participate in robust discussions about sometimes-difficult subjects https://discussion.education.wisc.edu/ No Yes No WCER– The Discussion Project In-person, online
Life Matters: Respect in a Diverse Workplace Diverse and inclusive workplaces are more innovative, creative, and have more engaged employees. Increase your awareness of how to engage in respectful behaviors in a diverse work environment, and how to constructively confront disrespect. Content includes: Definitions of diversity and respect, Benefits of workplace diversity, Examples of respect and disrespect, Breaking through barriers, Assertive confrontation. LifeMatters offers a presentation to UW-Madison employees and work units. To connect with LifeMatters and set up a training, reach out 24/7 by dialing 800-634-6433 or texting “Hello” to 61295. They will connect you to their presentation team and work with you to secure a speaker https://hr.wisc.edu/employee-assistance-office/lifematters/ Yes No Yes OHR Online
Employee Assistance Office Our counselors begin the process of developing a custom presentation with a 30-minute presentation consultation, where they’ll determine how best to structure a training for your work unit and circumstances and learn more about your particular unit’s needs. To set up a consultation, please email us at eao@mailplus.wisc.edu or call 608-263-2987. https://hr.wisc.edu/employee-assistance-office/ Yes No Yes Employee Assistance Office In-person, online
Mental health first aid Mental Health First Aid is a program that teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. The program gives participants the skills and confidence to provide initial support to those who are experiencing a crisis in their community. https://wirose.wisc.edu/mental-health-first-aid/ Yes No Yes online
Disability Workshops The McBurney Disability Resource Center provides training to campus departments, units, faculty, staff, and student organizations on topics exploring disability and accessibility. Training could include accommodations & adaptive technology; disability awareness; identity & culture; or inclusion & universal design. Customized requests are also possible. https://mcburney.wisc.edu/training/training-for-campus/ Yes No Yes McBurney Disability Resource Center In-person
WISCIENCE Research Mentor Training Research mentor training is an evidence-based, interactive workshop designed to help mentors develop skills for engaging in productive, culturally responsive, research mentoring relationships—relationships that optimize the success of both mentors and mentees. https://wiscience.wisc.edu/courses/integsci-660/ Yes Yes No WISCIENCE and Delta Program In-person
LGBTQ Health Summit The LGBTQ+ Health Summit educates and activates the health sciences community on LGBTQ+ health and creates new pathways to serve LGBTQ+ communities. https://nursing.wisc.edu/lgbtq-health-summit/ Yes No Yes School of Nursing Online