Summer Hiring Guide


1. Gather known tools and information to organize your planning for summer. We recommend using the following:

    • List of courses sessions offered with accompanying course assignments
    • Summer Budget and funding information for your department
    • Summer Hiring Reports from the Heart Tool for 9-month (C-basis, academic) employees in your department

2. Meet with and/or distribute the individual Summer Hiring Reports to 9-month employees to complete

    • Tip: the more completely they fill this form out the easier it will be for you to complete the various steps of summer hiring.
    • Employees should work with their administrator to complete the funding information, biweekly periods working, and sign the form.

3. Have the department chair review the individual Summer Hiring Report forms and sign. Remember they also need to complete a Summer Hiring Report if they are also working this summer, even if only working for one month as chair. The chair report should be reviewed by the Dean’s Office and Business Office. The SoE HR Assoc Director will sign their form

4. Load signed Summer Hiring Reports into the Summer UW Box folder (links sent directly to department administrator)

5. Attend a SoE Summer Lab with the following materials:

    • Summer budgets/funding information
    • Course MOUs (memorandum of understanding), included in an email from SoE summer coordinator
    • Signed Summer Hiring Reports loaded into UW Box
    • Questions
    • JEMS login information (unless you have it memorized)

6. Once the signed Summer Hiring Reports are loaded to UW Box and Summer MoU’s are drafted and loaded into UW Box, submit JEMS Hire information

7. For changes to initial summer hiring agreements, please load a new Summer Hiring Report into UW Box