This policy outlines the School of Education (SoE) guidelines for the appointment of academic staff members as Teaching Professors that broadly describe the criteria and procedures for such appointments, reappointments, and promotions. These appointments may be made at the level of assistant, associate, or full professor.
The title of Teaching Professor should be granted to instructional staff whose contributions can be characterized by excellence, distinction and innovation in the instructional enterprise within their department and, at the associate and full level, beyond (See Appendix A for descriptions of each rank of Teaching Professor; See Appendix B for descriptions of other UW-Madison instructional titles). These qualities can be assessed by a range of relevant contributions, including but not limited to a strong record of teaching, classroom innovation, student interactions, scholarly accomplishments in the scholarship of teaching and learning, independently creating and designing a range of courses in the field of expertise, assessing student performance, providing formal or informal advising on students’ academic and career directions, supervising student employees delivering instruction, and collaborating with faculty and staff in the development of teaching strategies. A case for a strong record of teaching will involve more than an assessment of student course evaluations, given their limitations.
Teaching professors will ordinarily be expected to have a relevant terminal degree, expertise in the relevant discipline, and pedagogical expertise in that discipline. Exceptions to the terminal degree expectation can be made in cases where the norm in the discipline is, or the accreditation standards of the profession require, otherwise. Exceptions may be made only with the approval of the Dean.
The placement of an employee into one of the levels of Teaching Professor, and the review of a Teaching Professor for promotion, should be a selective process that involves significant rigor. The SoE guidelines recognize that Teaching Professors of all ranks are academic staff positions and therefore include academic staff in all processes regarding the appointment and promotion of Teaching Professors.
Employees appointed or promoted into the Teaching Professor titles are considered academic staff. Therefore, the UW-Madison Academic Staff Policies and Procedures ( apply to these appointments. Teaching Professors (all levels) are represented by the academic staff governance and have representation in the Academic Staff Assembly with the governance rights afforded them through Wisconsin State Statutes 36.09 (4m).
Track Promotion
Teaching Professor track employees may enter at the Assistant Teaching Professor level, or any other level consistent with their experience and credentials (See Appendix A). A clock for promotion through the title series will not be prescribed. Employees may progress from Assistant to Associate to Full at a pace commensurate with their goals, achievements, and particular unit metrics. Assistant or Associate Teaching Professors may remain in those ranks indefinitely, as appropriate for a given employee.
Teaching professors are expected to make long-term and consistent contributions to the teaching mission of their departments, advance teaching and learning in their discipline, and use innovative strategies that produce course and/or curricular improvement at the departmental level and beyond. Teaching professor positions are full-time (no less than .5 FTE) and long-term (career-track) positions. Appointments should ideally be multi-year and renewable; one-semester or one-year non-renewable appointments cannot be made in this job title. The initial term of the appointment should be specified in the appointment letter. In the School of Education, 100% time should be devoted to classroom teaching unless a variance is requested (see below). The expectations for a teaching professor shall include department, college and/or university service.
Specific duties that go beyond the expectations of all teaching professors (see Appendix A and ) and that relate to departmental needs and practices should be delineated in the position vacancy listing (PVL) and included in any subsequent offer letter. Specific duties may also relate to departmental service expectations or participation in shared governance associated with the position. Teaching Professors with full-time appointments will be expected to teach four (4) courses (12 credits, or equivalent) each semester unless the variance is approved by the Dean.
Requests for Variance
If a department wishes to appoint a Teaching Professor with job duties other than classroom teaching, its request for a variance must outline the non-teaching duties as well as their weekly time equivalence to course instruction. 75% of total job time must be instructional, including course instruction, field and clinical experiences, and other duties tied to course credit. The variance must be approved by the Dean.
Appointment and Promotion Committee
The Teaching Professor Appointment and Promotion Committee (TPAPC) will consider the appointment and promotion of any individual holding the title of Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, or Teaching Professor (see The committee shall be composed of ten (10) members, with one representative from each of the ten departments in the School of Education. Eligible committee members may be tenured faculty or those who hold the title of Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor. If no individuals in a Department hold the title of Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor, senior academic staff members may serve on the committee, provided the staff member has experience teaching at the university level. To avoid conflicts of interest, academic staff members who serve on the TPAPC cannot be considered for Teaching Professor appointments during their own terms on the committee.
Each department will elect one member of the committee. Initial composition of the committee for the 2022-2023 academic year (before individuals have been appointed with the title of Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor) and the terms served by inaugural members will be established as follows:
- Art – Academic Staff Member (2 years)
- Curriculum & Instruction – Academic Staff Member (2 years)
- Counseling Psychology – Faculty Member (3 years)
- Dance – Academic Staff Member (3 years)
- Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis – Academic Staff Member (1 year)
- Educational Policy Studies – Faculty Member (2 years)
- Educational Psychology – Faculty Member (3 years)
- Kinesiology – Academic Staff Member (3 years)
- Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education – Faculty Member (1 year)
- Theatre & Drama – Faculty Member (1 year)
After these inaugural terms expire, members will serve 3-year staggered terms and approximately one-third of the committee’s membership will be elected each year. The table that follows lists the departments required to elect new representatives to the committee for each academic year through 2026-2027. The pattern would repeat thereafter.
Academic Year that a new representative will begin their committee term | 2023-2024 | 2024-2025 | 2025-2026 | 2026-2027 | 2027-2028 |
Departments to elect a new representative | ELPA
RPSE T & D |
Dance Ed Psych Kinesiology |
RPSE T & D |
The optimal composition of the committee will be evenly divided between faculty and academic staff. The TPAPC chair, in consultation with the Dean, will inform affected departments whether they should elect a faculty or academic staff member to the committee each year.
The chair of the TPAPC will be appointed from the membership of the committee by the Dean. From each incoming group of committee members, the Dean will appoint a member who will become chair of the committee in the third year of service. In the first and second years of service, those members will assist the chair as needed in the work of the committee, including leading meetings in the event the Chair is unavailable.
A member of the School of Education’s Human Resources staff will be appointed by the Dean to staff the committee.
The work of the committee will concern three tasks: (1) approving the title transfer of individuals with other titles to the title of Assistant, Associate, or Full Teaching Professor; (2) the appointment of individuals with the title; and (3) considering the promotion in rank of any individual holding the title Assistant Teaching Professor or Associate Teaching Professor.
Current employees who wish to be considered for a title change from their current title to the title of Teaching Professor (regardless of rank) should work with their Department’s Executive Committee[1] to prepare a dossier as indicated below for review by the Committee.
Departments who wish to hire someone from outside the university with an appointment as an Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor must prepare a dossier as indicated below for review by the Committee.
The committee’s jurisdiction does not include the approval of PVLs or hiring of individuals at the Assistant Teaching Professor level.
Mentoring/Oversight Committee
A departmental mentoring/oversight committee shall be established for each Assistant Teaching Professor when they are appointed. It may continue, or be dissolved upon promotion to Associate Teaching Professor, based on departmental policy for other non-tenure faculty tracks. The function of the mentoring/oversight committee is to encourage the professional development of the Assistant Teaching Professor, to suggest resources when needed to further teaching and other pedagogical aims, to assist in removing barriers when they are encountered, to advocate for the Assistant Teaching Professor when needed, and to ensure that reasonable progress is made in their emerging career.
Each department shall, consistent with its personnel policies, appoint a mentor and/or mentoring committee for each Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor. The mentoring committee shall advise the Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor on expectations for job performance and offer feedback on progress toward promotion. The mentoring committee will evaluate the Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor’s teaching at least once annually. That evaluation should, at a minimum, include a classroom observation and a review of teaching materials (e.g., syllabi, assignments, course website). The mentoring committee will also advise the department’s Executive Committee on the timing of consideration for promotion. Each department is encouraged to update personnel policies to establish clear expectations for the mentoring of those with the title Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor.
Performance Review and Reappointment
Performance reviews of Teaching Professor track employees must be completed annually in accordance with policies applicable to UW Academic Staff. Performance reviews for Assistant Teaching Professors will be performed by the mentoring/oversight committee and reported to the Department Executive Committee and the School/College Dean’s Office. Performance reviews of Associate Teaching Professors and Teaching Professors will be performed by the Department Executive Committee. Actions regarding non-renewal, layoff, or termination follow UW- Madison Academic Staff Policies and Procedures and procedures
Framework for Appointment and Promotion Process
Appointment and Promotion Process
Teaching Professor (all levels) appointments may be initiated for individual candidates by Deans, Department Executive Committees, and Department Chairs.
Appointment and Promotion Authority
The SoE Dean has the authority to approve appointments and promotions within the Teaching Professor track. All letters of appointment will be approved using standard SoE and UW-Madison HR practices, and will have content that follows existing University Academic Staff policies.
Individuals who wish to appeal a denial of appointment or promotion within the Teaching Professor track, whether the adverse decision was made at the departmental or school level, should use the procedures established by Academic Staff Policy and Procedures, Chapter 7 (
Review of a candidate’s credentials for hire or promotion at all Teaching Professor levels will be performed by the Department Executive Committee and the School of Education’s Teaching Professor Appointment and Promotion Committee (TPAPC).
The TPAPC shall meet once per semester during the academic year (or more often, if the committee’s docket is over-full and the chair deems necessary) and may establish rules and procedures consistent with this policy to accomplish their reviews of appointments and promotions of teaching professors. A quorum shall be established whenever six (6) members of the committee are present and eligible to participate in the review of candidates. A technical abstention shall be recorded for a member whenever the member and the candidate under consideration are from the same department.
The committee will consider appointments of individuals who:
- currently hold other titles and are being considered for appointment as a teaching professor at any rank.
- have not previously worked at UW-Madison and are being hired at the rank of associate teaching professor or teaching professor.
The committee will consider promotions of individuals from:
- Assistant Teaching Professor to Associate Teaching Professor.
- Associate Teaching Professor to Teaching Professor.
The Executive Committee of the Department shall determine when to recommend consideration for promotion. A minimum of 3 years in rank is expected prior to consideration for promotion.
The results of the TPAPC review of both appointments and promotions shall be communicated to the Dean as a recommendation. A majority of members present and eligible to participate is required to substantiate any recommendation to the Dean. The Dean will communicate the acceptance or rejection of the TPAPC recommendation to the department and candidate.
In general, Teaching Professor track employees at all levels must demonstrate: (1) a solid record of teaching and pedagogical accomplishment that is highly regarded by individuals in their fields; and, (2) promise of continued, outstanding contributions to teaching.
A credential dossier must be developed by the candidate to begin the appointment process for the Teaching Professor track (all levels).
Appointments may be part-time (less than 100% time and effort, but no less than 50%).
- Teaching Professors at the Assistant or Associate levels may put themselves forward for promotion with consultation with the mentoring/oversight committee and/or Department Chair.
- The School/College may promote to the level of Associate Teaching Professor and later to Teaching Professor, if approval is granted by the Dean.
- The School/College will develop guidelines concerning the format and content required in a promotion dossier, to be created by the candidate.
- The Department Executive Committee and then the Teaching Professor Appointment and Promotion Committee will evaluate particular cases based on School/College metrics for promotion.
- The Teaching Professor Appointment and Promotion Committee will make a recommendation to the Dean, who has authority to grant all promotions within the Teaching Professor track.
- Assistant Teaching Professors may remain at that rank throughout their career at UW-Madison. There is no “up or out” requirement for promotion.
Format for Dossier to Consider Title Change to Assistant Teaching Professor
All submissions to the TPAPC will use the following format for the dossier. Although all categories may not apply to all candidates, the document should follow the outline and headings below. Prepare the dossier as a single PDF file and include bookmarks for each lettered and numbered section on the checklist. Ensure that each page is text-searchable.
I. Cover Letter from the Department Chair
Limit letter to no more than 5 pages. The cover letter from the department chair should clearly describe the following:
- The number of eligible voters, as defined by that department, and the exact vote, including absences or abstentions. Indicate the percentage total number of votes required for acceptance by the department’s executive committee.
- The total number of years the candidate has been in a teaching role, particularly teaching at the college/university level.
- Information about candidate’s current or anticipated responsibilities.
- Documentation of the candidate’s contributions in the field of teaching and the quality and quantity of teaching activities, as well as confirmation of excellence of the candidate’s level of teaching performance and in other related missions/services, if applicable. (Potential areas: curriculum development, strategic educational planning, teaching and learning scholarly output, etc.) (See Appendix A.)
II. Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum vitae with entries corresponding to the list below, as applicable:
- Name
- Formal Education and degrees earned
- Positions Held (list chronologically with no time period unaccounted for)
- Special Honors and Awards
- Publications (if applicable; Note: A publication record is not a prerequisite for Appointment as an Assistant Teaching Professor.)
- Proper bibliographic form should be followed, listing the names of coauthors in sequence as published, and paging. Names of journals should be given in full.
- Those that are peer reviewed should be indicated by an asterisk
- Number each publication in the vita in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first, and identify each publication submitted with that number
- Research and Publications in Progress
- Grant Support (If applicable; Note: A record of grant activity is not a prerequisite for Appointment as an Assistant Teaching Professor.) Include grant title, source, monetary amount, year(s) of award, name of PI, role of faculty member if not PI, and percentage of effort.
- List of Presentations/Performances/Exhibitions (invited and conference)
- Teaching (principal areas and experience)
- Service (public, university, and professional)
III. Statement by the Candidate (Limit statement to 2 pages.)
A description of the candidate’s achievements as an instructor, major accomplishments to date, and goals for the future.
VI. Supporting Documentation for Teaching Excellence (Include the following as applicable to document alignment of performance with the job title, see Appendix A.)
- Chronology of teaching experience and department summary of contextual factors
- The most recent syllabus from each course taught by the candidate
- Other Teaching materials (e.g., assignments, screenshots of course website)
- Organized summary of student evaluations, and comparative evaluation of teaching. State how evaluations were administered. Provide a sample copy of each evaluation instrument that shows the questions asked.
- Honors or other recognition for teaching
- Other evidence of the extent, scope and quality of teaching activities
- (optional) Letters solicited from current and former students. No more than 3 such letters should be included and if included, also provide an explanation of how the students were chosen and a copy of the letter or email used to solicit the students’ assessments of the candidate’s qualities as a teacher.
Format for the Appointment or Promotion Dossier
All submissions to the TPAPC will use the following format for the dossier when seeking appointment to the title of Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor. This includes:
- Requested title changes for internal candidates to either Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor.
- Recruitment of external candidates to a position with the rank of Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor.
- Recommendations for the promotion of an Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor.
Although all categories may not apply to all candidates, the document should follow the outline and headings below. Prepare the dossier as a single PDF file and include bookmarks for each lettered and numbered section on the checklist. Ensure that each page is text-searchable. If the candidate has authored a book, hard copies may be provided to the committee for review.
I. Letter of Appointment
Provide the letter of appointment as an Assistant Teaching Professor or Associate Teaching Professor, including the statement of duties. Remove salary information.
II. Cover Letter from the Department Chair
Limit letter to no more than 5 pages. The cover letter from the department chair should clearly describe the following:
- The number of eligible voters, as defined by that department, and the exact vote, including absences or abstentions. Indicate the percentage total number of votes required for acceptance by the department’s executive committee.
- The total number of years the candidate has been in a teaching role and, if such titles exist at their current institution, at what rank (g., Assistant Teaching Professor for # years; Associate Teaching Professor for # years) at the time of submission of the appointment/promotion document.
- Information about candidate’s current or anticipated responsibilities.
- Documentation of the candidate’s contributions in the teaching and the quality and quantity of teaching activities, as well as confirmation of excellence of the candidate’s level of performance in the teaching and in other related missions/services, if applicable. (Potential areas: curriculum development, strategic educational planning, teaching and learning scholarly output, etc.)
III. Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum vitae with entries corresponding to the list below, as applicable:
- Name
- Formal Education and degrees earned
- Positions Held (list chronologically with no time period unaccounted for)
- Special Honors and Awards
- Publications (if applicable; Note: A publication record is not a prerequisite for appointment/promotion to Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor.)
- Proper bibliographic form should be followed, listing the names of coauthors in sequence as published, and paging. Names of journals should be given in full.
- Those that are peer reviewed should be indicated by an asterisk
- Number each publication in the vita in reverse chronological order, with the most recent first, and identify each publication submitted with that number
- Research and Publications in Progress
- Grant Support (If applicable; Note: A record of grant activity is not a prerequisite for appointment/promotion to Associate Teaching Professor or Teaching Professor.) Include grant title, source, monetary amount, year(s) of award, name of PI, role of faculty member if not PI, and percentage of effort.
- List of Presentations/Performances/Exhibitions (invited and conference)
- Teaching (principal areas and experience)
- Service (public, university, and professional)
IV. Statement by the Candidate (Limit statement to 2 pages.)
A description of the candidate’s achievements as an Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor, major accomplishments to date, and goals for the future.
V. Letters of Evaluation
- Three letters of evaluation of the candidate’s body of work (e.g., CV, Syllabi, course evaluations, and other artifacts) conducted by UW-Madison personnel who hold the title of Teaching Professor or Professor and who hold appointments in other departments in the School or the University. Evaluators may be from other universities, provided they have appropriate expertise in teaching at the college and university level. Evaluators should not have close personal or professional relationships with the candidate. For example, the evaluator should not have served as a mentor to the candidate or have co-taught or collaborated on any scholarly writing.
- Provide a copy of the letter sent by the department chair requesting evaluations.
- Provide a list of evaluators and include:
- A brief statement of their stature, qualifications, and relationship to the candidate.
- A sentence certifying that all letters of evaluation received are included in the dossier.
- The names and affiliations of those who were invited to submit letters of evaluation but did not do so must be provided. The reason for the lack of response should be stated, if known, preferably in the form of a brief letter from the evaluator who declined.
VI. Peer Reviews of Teaching Conducted by the Candidate’s Mentoring Committee
VII. Supporting Documentation for Teaching Excellence
- Chronology of teaching experience and department summary of contextual factors
- The most recent syllabus from each course taught by the candidate
- Other Teaching materials (e.g., assignments, screenshots of course website)
- Organized summary of student evaluations, and comparative evaluation of teaching. (For appointments at the level of Associate or Full Teaching Professor, at least the five most recent years of evaluations should be collected.) State how evaluations were administered. Provide a sample copy of each evaluation instrument that shows the questions asked.
- Honors or other recognition for teaching
- Other evidence of the extent, scope and quality of teaching activities
- (optional) Letters solicited from current and former students. No more than 3 such letters should be included and if included, also provide an explanation of how the students were chosen and a copy of the letter or email used to solicit the students’ assessments of the candidate’s qualities as a teacher.
VIII. Supporting Documentation for Other Areas of Accomplishment (if applicable) Bookmark each section and, within each section, each document.
- Curriculum development
- Strategic educational planning
- Scholarly output
[1] See FPP 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22 for the scope of Executive Committee membership and functions. Please note that the Executive Committee may, at its discretion, permit non-members to attend meetings and participate in discussion while in open session, but that any votes must be reserved for Executive Committee members. Note also that FPP 5.22 (C)(5) reserves to the Executive Committee the “[a]uthority to make recommendations for the appointment of academic staff to indefinite status, or for the conferral of modified professorial titles to academic staff” (emphasis added). That authority may not be delegated. Executive Committee meetings are governed by Wisconsin’s Open Meetings law and may be closed for the purposes of deliberations about personnel under Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(c). See:
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Appendix A: Teaching Professor Rank Descriptions
Appendix A: Teaching Professor Rank Descriptions
Assistant Teaching Professors should demonstrate the criteria that follow:
- An impressive emerging record of teaching, and evidence of successful management and completion of prior teaching-related activities.
- Demonstrated experience in independently creating and designing courses in the field of expertise.
- Strong potential for development as an outstanding teacher through, and demonstrated interest in, the scholarship of teaching and learning and in pedagogy.
- Experience in assessing student performance and supporting student success.
- Demonstrated ability, if not experience, in the supervision of student employees delivering instruction, when appropriate.
- Demonstrated ability in collaborating with faculty and staff in the development of teaching strategies.
- A willingness to support the overall instructional mission of the respective unit.
Associate Teaching Professors should demonstrate the criteria that follow:
- An impressive, sustained record of excellent teaching, as evidenced by student and peer evaluation; departmental recognition through awards or other marks of achievement.
- Demonstrated instructional contributions to the department and college, and/or campus, and/or broader discipline.
- Demonstrated experience – beyond that of assistant teaching professor – in successful supervision of student employees, when relevant, and supporting student success.
- Demonstrated excellence in the supervision of student employees delivering instruction, when appropriate.
- Excellence in collaboration with faculty and staff in the development of teaching strategies, including participation in department, unit, or campus-level faculty/staff instructional development activities/programs.
- Demonstrated experience in creating courses and contribute to the overall curricular mission of the unit.
- Demonstrated record of consuming, implementing and/or producing creative activity or scholarship in teaching and learning.
Full or no-prefix Teaching Professors should demonstrate the criteria that follow:
- An impressive and sustained record of outstanding teaching, as evidenced by student and peer evaluation; departmental, school/college, and national/international recognition through awards and other marks of achievement such as producing scholarship/creative activity in teaching and learning.
- Demonstrated instructional contributions to the department, college, campus, and/or broader discipline.
- Demonstrated and recognized outstanding achievement in the successful supervision of student employees delivering instruction, when relevant.
- Demonstrated and recognized outstanding achievement in supporting student success.
- Leadership in collaboration with faculty and staff in the development of teaching strategies, including designing, organizing, and/or leading department, unit, or campus-level faculty/staff instructional development programs.
- Leadership in the creation of courses and in contributions to the overall curricular mission of the unit.
- Representation of the unit on college or campus committees in support of the university’s instructional mission.
Appendix B: Other Approved UW-Madison Instructional Titles
Clinical Professor (Assistant, Associate, Distinguished)
Clinical Instructor
“Responsible for the supervision of the clinical training of students. This function is used to describe instructional academic staff positions in the health sciences and other academic disciplines with clinical practices. Individuals appointed at the clinical instructor level may have qualifications and training comparable with faculty. Clinical titles must have approval of an academic department.”
Lecturer: “Facilitates classroom, online, and/or laboratory instruction and assists with instructional development and design for a single course or series of courses within an academic discipline to support the delivery of quality instruction. Provides for-credit instruction in formats such as classroom, online and/or laboratory settings, including grading. Serves as an instructor of record.”
Professor of Practice: “The Professor of Practice title series is intended for a non-tenure track, qualified instructional or outreach academic staff member who has established themselves by demonstrating expertise, holding distinguished leadership positions, and/or accruing professional achievements in their field outside the academy. These professionals, though accomplished in their areas of expertise, may not have traditional academic backgrounds or appropriate terminal degrees to lead instruction. They are expected to provide instruction directly related to their area of specialization that substantively benefits from their perspective as a practitioner .”
Teaching Faculty (levels I-IV): “Provides classroom, online and/or laboratory instruction associated with more than one lecture or laboratory course, assists with the design and execution of administrative functions associated with academic instruction and the development of pedagogy/andragogy or assessment tools and resources to support quality student learning. Provides for-credit instruction in formats such as classroom, online and/or laboratory settings, including grading. Serves as an instructor of record.”
Visiting Professor: “This function is used for individuals who come from outside the UW System for temporary academic assignments. Normally, the prefix will be comparable to the rank held at the individual’s home institution. There may be cases where an individual’s assignment at the UW-Madison is temporary, but no “home institution” is involved. In those instances, a visiting faculty title may still be used, with the appropriate level determined by the department executive committee after reviewing the individual’s credentials in comparison with similarly qualified members of the UW-Madison faculty. Documentation supporting the selection of a visiting title must be provided to the appropriate dean’s or director’s office. Generally, such appointments do not last longer than one year and may not exceed two years without the approval of the Chancellor or his/her designee.”
NOTE: Under the policies used by UW-Madison’s Office of Human Resources, each job title has salary ranges associated with it. A title change from one of the titles above to Assistant/Associate/Full Teaching Professor may or may not have salary implications for the person affected. Contact a member of the School of Education’s Human Resources staff to understand the salary implications associated with each title.